Showing posts with label NPR. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NPR. Show all posts

Friday, December 18, 2009

We Gather The Distinguished

I have fond memories of my pops working at a public radio station. While his own amazing voice was rarely heard, the sounds and thoughts my mind was exposed to at that point in my life left a lasting impression. The majority of what he played were prerecorded programs where he would flip from one tape to the next. Surrounded by electronics and music, my early teenage mind had me on full nerd alert. I briefly attempted to pursue this memory as a career and had my own prime time radio show but the mystique wore off as I realized that I would have to do and play what I was told.

I do, however, still listen to public radio to this day. NPR offers a wide spectrum of aural delights sure to please everyone at some point. This time of year I find myself enjoying it even more. Please take a moment and listen in to this eclectic collection of Holiday music they have provided. You might find something new to fall in love with too. Let me know your favorite.

All Songs Considered